"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Discriminating Vs Discriminatory


Discriminating শব্দটি একটি adjective.

Meaning as an adjective:

Discriminating শব্দটি Discriminate শব্দ থেকে উদ্ভুত। এই শব্দটির একটি ইতিবাচক অর্থ আছে। এটি দ্বারা এমন ব্যক্তিকে বোঝায় যে ভালো সিদ্ধান্ত বা রুচি দেখাতে সক্ষম। (প্রায়ই খাদ্য এবং পানীয়ের সাথে সম্পর্কিত)

The word discriminating is derived from Discriminate. This word has a positive meaning. It represents a person who is able to show good judgment and taste. (often it is related to food and drink).


  • Jim is a discriminating reader. (জিম একজন সুরুচিসম্পন্ন পাঠক।)
  • Jessica has a discriminating taste of food.
  • You have become a discriminating viewer of movies.
  • Take Lisa with you because she is a discriminating shopper.
  • John is a discriminating food lover.
  • A discriminating music lover like Richard will surely like this.



Discriminatory শব্দটিও একটি adjective.

Meaning as an adjective:

এই শব্দটি সাধারণতঃ না-বোধক কারণ এটা পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট একটা অর্থ বা জ্ঞান বহন করে। সেই পক্ষপাত হতে পারে বর্ণ, লিঙ্গ প্রভৃতির ভিত্তিতে।

This word is generally negative because it bears a sense or meaning of prejudiced. This prejudice can be on the basis of race, gender, etc.


  • We should not behave in a discriminatory way. (আমাদের একটি পক্ষপাতদুষ্ট উপায়ে আচরণ করা উচিত না।)
  • The employees are annoyed with the discriminatory policies of the management.
  • It is high time we should protest this discriminatory behavior.
  • None will tolerate such discriminatory behavior.
  • Everyone is annoyed with the boss because of his discriminatory behavior.
  • The management should give up all the discriminatory practices as early as possible.



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