"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Errors in Using Verbs (Part-2)

Causative Verbs

A. Make

Incorrect: I made him to do the work.

Correct: I made him do the work.

Incorrect: I made the machine started.

Correct: I made the machine start.

Note: Causative verb ‘make’-এর পর ব্যক্তিবাচক/বস্তুবাচক যে object-ই থাকুক, main verb-এর simple present form হবে।


B. Let

Incorrect: My mother let me to go to Cox’s Bazar.

Correct: My mother let me go to Cox’s Bazar.

Incorrect: I am letting the machine to cool.

Correct: I am letting the machine cool.

Note: Causative let+ ব্যক্তিবাচক/’বস্তুবাচক object+ verb in simple present.


C. Have

Incorrect: I had the mason repaired the roof of my house.

Correct: I had the mason repair the roof of my house.

Incorrect: I had the roof repair yesterday.

Correct: I had the roof repaired yesterday.

Note: Causative have+ ব্যক্তিবাচক object+ verb in simple present form+ বস্তুবাচক object;

Causative have+ বস্তুবাচক object+ verb in past participle form


D. Get

Incorrect: I got him do the work.

Correct: I got him to do the work.

Incorrect: I got the work to do by him.

Correct: I got the work done by him.

Note: Get+ ব্যক্তি+ infinitive (to+ verb)

Get+ বস্তু+ past participle


E. Help

Incorrect: My brother helped me doing this work.

Correct: My brother helped me to do this work.


            My brother helped me do this work.

Note: Help+ ব্যক্তিবাচক object + infinitive/ simple present.


Verbs that Require Infinitives in the Complement

Incorrect: We have planned leaving the day before yesterday.

Correct: We have planned to leave the day before yesterday.

Incorrect: They demand knowing their status.

Correct: They demand to know their status.

Note: কিছু কিছু verb রয়েছে যাদের পরে অপর কোন verb আসলে তার infinitive form বসে। অন্যভাবে বলা যায়, কিছু কিছু verb রয়েছে যাদের complement-এ infinitive বসে। এখানে ঐসব verb-এর একটা তালিকা দেয়া হলো:


























Incorrect: I intend inform you that we cannot approve your application.

Correct: I intend to inform you that we cannot approve your application.

Incorrect: The weather tends improving in September.

Correct: The weather tends to improve in September.


Know and Know how

Incorrect: If Alana knew to drive, I would lend her my car.

Correct: If Alana knew how to drive, I would lend her my car.

Incorrect: Do you know to type?

Correct: Do you know how to type?

Note: স্বাভাবিকভাবে চেনা বা জানা বোঝাতে know ব্যবহৃত হয়, আর পদ্ধতি অবলম্বন করে কোনকিছু জানা বোঝাতে know how to ব্যবহৃত হয়। অনুরূপভাবে, পদ্ধতি অবলম্বন করে কোনকিছু দেখানো বোঝাতে show how to ব্যবহৃত হয়।

I know the answer.

I know how to answer the question.

My brother showed me how to drive a car.


Negative Imperative

Incorrect: Would you please don’t smoke.

Correct: Would you please not smoke.

            Or, Please don’t smoke.

Note: Negative imperative= would you please + not+ V1

Incorrect: Would you please not to be late.

Correct: Would you please be late.


Nouns Derived from Subjunctive Verbs

Incorrect: Alice ignored the suggestion that she gets more exercise.

Correct: Alice ignored the suggestion that she get more exercise.

Incorrect: We gave the recommendation that Amir will be present in the meeting.

Correct: We gave the recommendation that Amir be present in the meeting.

Note: Subjunctive verb-গুলো থেকে যে noun-গুলো উৎপন্ন হয় সেই noun-গুলোর পরে that-clause বসলে ঐ that-clause এর verb-এর simple present form বসে অর্থাৎ V1 বসে। এই verb-এর সাথে s or es যোগ হয় না; এর পূর্বে কোনো modal verb বসে না।


Nouns derived from subjunctive verbs:


demand, recommend, insistence,    

request, preference, requirement       } + that+   s+ v1 + extension

proposal, suggestion                                                       s+ be + extension                 




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