"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Difference between ( পার্থক্য ) There is no difference between the two brothers.
  • Owe to ( ঋণী হওয়া ) I owe my all to him.
  • Dislike for ( অপছন্দ ) He has dislike for dogs.
  • Look after ( দেখাশোনা করা ) There is none to look after her.
  • Fatal to ( মারাত্মক ) he doctor's mistake proved fatal to his life.
  • Deaf to ( শুনতে অনিচ্ছুক ) He is deaf to my request.


  • Bag and baggage ( তল্পিতল্পাসহ ) He left the place bag and baggage.
  • Bone of contention ( বিবাদের বিষয় ) The paternal property is the bone of contention between the two brothers.
  • slap on the wrist ( মৃদু শাস্তি ) Although he broke the rules, he was only given a slap on the wrist
  • tickled pink ( খুব খুশি করানো ) She was tickled pink by the good news.
  • Turn down ( প্রত্যাখান করা ) He turned down my proposal.
  • Bid fair ( ভালো কিছু আশা করা ) He bids fair to be a good doctor.