"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Interfere with ( হস্তক্ষেপ করা (ব্যক্তি) ) Do not interfere with me in my business.
  • Restrict to ( সীমাবব্ধ করা ) Admission was restricted to students.
  • Favourable for ( অনুকূল (কোনকিছু) ) This situation is favorable to me for doing this.
  • Absorbed in ( নিবিষ্ট ; মগ্ন ) Scientist is absorbed in experiment
  • Sympathy for ( সহানুভূতি ) I have no sympathy for him.
  • Smile on ( অনুগ্রহ করা ) Fortune smiled on him.


  • At least ( অন্ততঃ ) At least one hundred boys will come to school today.
  • At a stretch ( একটানা ) He can run ten miles at a stretch.
  • Crying need ( জরুরী প্রয়োজন ) Mass education is the crying need of Bangladesh.
  • Now and then ( মাঝে মাঝে ) He comes here now and then.
  • Stone's throw ( অতি নিকটে ) Our school is at a stone's throw form our house.
  • be in ones bad books ( কারও অপ্রিয় হওয়া )