"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Sensitive to ( সংবেদনশীল ) She is sensitive to cold.
  • Vexed for ( বিরক্ত (জিনিস) ) He is vexed with me for opposing him.
  • Prefer to ( অধিক পছন্দ করা ) I prefer coffee to tea.
  • Consist of ( গঠিত হওয়া ) This class consists of fifty boys and thirty girls.
  • Qualified for ( যোগ্য ) He is qualified for the post.
  • Offended with ( বিরক্ত (ব্যক্তি) ) I am offended with you at your conduct.


  • In a hurry ( তাড়াহুড়ার মধ্যে ) Don't do the work in a hurry.
  • Now and then ( মাঝে মাঝে ) He comes here now and then.
  • live by ones wit ( কথা বেচে খাওয়া )
  • Hue and cry ( শোরগোল ) The villagers raised a hue and cry to see the thief.
  • Man of straw ( অপদার্থ লোক ) We do not care a fig for a man of straw like him.
  • breathe out ( নিঃশ্বাস ত্যাগ করা ) At last, he breathed his last breath out, and that was the end.