"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Alternative to ( বিকল্প ) This question is alternative to that.
  • Disgusted at ( বিরক্ত ) I am disgusted with him at his conduct.
  • Depend on ( নির্ভর করা ) Success depends on hard work.
  • Hard of ( কম শোনা ) He is hard of hearing.
  • Disgusted with ( বিরক্ত ) I am disgusted with him at his conduct.
  • Die in ( মারা যাওয়া (শান্তি) ) Let me die in peace.


  • At one’s own sweet will ( খুশি মতো ) He still does it at his own sweet will.
  • By fits and starts ( অনিয়মিত ; মাঝে মাঝে ) He works by fits and starts.
  • be on ones back ( একেবারে কুপোকাত )
  • know from a bare hint ( এক আঁচরেই বোঝা )
  • Get rid of ( মুক্তি পাওয়া ) Try to get rid of that rogue.
  • To and fro ( এদিন-ওদিক ) Being unable to make up his mind the man is walking to and fro.