"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Zealous for ( আগ্রহী ) He is zealous for improvement.
  • Affectionate to ( স্নেহশীল ) He is affectionate to me.
  • Disgrace to ( কলঙ্ক ) He is disgrace to his family.
  • Good at ( দক্ষ ) He is good at tennis.
  • Talk of ( কথা বলা (কোন জিনিস) ) I am talking to (with) Mr. Roy of (about, over) the matter.
  • Depend on ( নির্ভর করা ) Success depends on hard work.


  • After all ( সবকিছু সত্ত্বেও ) After all, he is a patriot.
  • a piece of cake ( খুবই সহজ ) This assignment is a piece of cake
  • put a spoke to ones wheel ( কারও উন্নতিতে বাধা হওয়া )
  • In a fix ( মুশকিলে পতিত ) He is in a fix and does not know what to do.
  • At large ( স্বাধীন ) The anti-socials are still at large.
  • Of course ( অবশ্যই ) Of course, you know what that means