"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Superior to ( উৎকৃষ্টতর ) This type of rice is superior to that.
  • Confident to ( আবদ্ধ (শয্যা) ) He is confined to bed.
  • Occupied with ( নিয়োজিত (কাজ) ) He is occupied with his studies.
  • Difference between ( পার্থক্য ) There is no difference between the two brothers.
  • Sure of ( নিশ্চিত ) I am sure of success.
  • Informed of ( অবহিত ) I was not informed of your misfortune.


  • be up and doing ( উঠে-পড়ে লাগা )
  • but me no buts ( কিন্তু কিন্তু করো না )
  • In vain ( বৃথা ) All his attempts were in vain.
  • Kith and kin ( নিকট আত্মীয় ) He has no good relationship with his kith and kin.
  • Flesh and blood ( রক্তমাংসের শরীর ) Flesh and blood cannot bear with such insults.
  • By hook or by crook ( যে কোন উপায়ে ) You must do this work by hook or by crook.