"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Look at ( তাকানো ) Look at the moon.
  • Die of ( মারা যাওয়া (রোগ) ) He died of cholera.
  • Feel for ( সহানুভূতি অনুভব করা ) I feel for you in your trouble.
  • Taste for ( রুচি ) She has no taste for music.
  • True to ( বিশ্বস্ত ) He is true to his master.
  • Abound with ( প্রচুর পরিমাণে থাকা ) The ocean abounds with fish.


  • be up and doing ( উঠে-পড়ে লাগা )
  • Turn down ( প্রত্যাখান করা ) He turned down my proposal.
  • Man of straw ( অপদার্থ লোক ) We do not care a fig for a man of straw like him.
  • Make both ends meet ( আয়ব্যয় মেলানো ) I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
  • A rainy day ( দুর্দিন ) Everybody should save something for rainy day.
  • bad faith ( বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা )