Bangla Academy Dictionary:
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- Anxious about ( উদ্বিগ্ন ) I am anxious about my health.
- Key to ( সমাধানের উপায় ) He has found out the key to his problem.
- Look over ( পরীক্ষা করা ) He is looking over the answer papers.
- Junior to ( নিম্নপদস্থ ; বয়সে কম ) He is junior to me in service.
- Confident to ( আবদ্ধ (শয্যা) ) He is confined to bed.
- Stare at ( একদৃষ্টিতে তাকানো ) She stared at me.
- At dagger drawn ( খড়গহস্ত ) The two brothers are now at daggers drawn.
- By no means ( কোন ভাবেই না ) I shall by no means call on him.
- As usual ( যথারীতি ) He is late as usual.
- Fish in a troubled water ( এলোমোলো অবস্থায় সুযোগ নেওয়া ) He made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water.
- In no time ( শীঘ্র ) He will finish the work in no time.
- Cats and dogs ( মূষল ধারে ) It was raining cats and dogs.