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- Add to ( যোগ করা ) Add this to that.
- Weak of ( দূর্বল ) He is weak of understanding.
- Admit of ( স্বীকৃতি পাওয়া ) Your conduct admits of no excuse.
- Vexed for ( বিরক্ত (জিনিস) ) He is vexed with me for opposing him.
- Trust with ( বিশ্বাস করা (জিনিস) ) You may trust me with the work.
- Guess at ( অনুমান করা ) Can you guess at her age?
- Tooth and nail ( তীব্রভাবে ) He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.
- by dint of ( ফলে (সাধারণত বল প্রয়োগের ফলে) )
- By fits and starts ( অনিয়মিত ; মাঝে মাঝে ) He works by fits and starts.
- To and fro ( এদিন-ওদিক ) Being unable to make up his mind the man is walking to and fro.
- slap on the wrist ( মৃদু শাস্তি ) Although he broke the rules, he was only given a slap on the wrist
- Take to heart ( মর্মাহত হওয়া ) He took his remark to heart.