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- Mourn over ( শোক করা ) Don't mourn over the dead.
- Vary from ( আলাদা হওয়া ) His opinion varies from his brother's.
- Familiar with ( সুপরিচিত ) He is familiar with my brother.
- Deaf to ( শুনতে অনিচ্ছুক ) He is deaf to my request.
- Free from ( মুক্ত ) He is now free from danger.
- Complain to ( অভিযোগ করা (ব্যক্তি) ) The complained to the Director against the Manager about her behavior.
- Fish in a troubled water ( এলোমোলো অবস্থায় সুযোগ নেওয়া ) He made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water.
- Gift of the gab ( বাককটুতা ) An advocate should have the gift of the gab.
- Fall flat ( ফলপ্রসূ না হওয়া ) My advice feel fiat on him.
- As usual ( যথারীতি ) He is late as usual.
- Through thick and thin ( বাধা বিপত্তির মধ্য দিয়ে ) Reveka followed her husband through thick and thin.
- slap on the wrist ( মৃদু শাস্তি ) Although he broke the rules, he was only given a slap on the wrist