"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Prohibit from ( বারণ করা ) I prohibited him from going there.
  • Supply with ( যোগান দেওয়া (কোন জিনিস) ) He supplied us with food.
  • Cope with ( সামলানো ) I cannot cope with the situation.
  • Live on ( খেয়ে বাঁচা ) The cow lives on grass.
  • Jealous of ( ঈর্ষা পরায়ণ ) I am not at all jealous of his fortune.
  • Faith in ( বিশ্বাস ) I have no faith in him.


  • Red tape ( লাল ফিতার বাঁধন ; আমলাতান্ত্রিকতা ) Red tapism causes delay in official work.
  • To the letter ( অক্ষরে অক্ষরে ) He followed my advice to the letter.
  • Breathe one's last ( মারা যাওয়া ) The old man breathed his last on Sunday last.
  • Moot point ( অমীমাংসিত বিষয় ) Dowry system is still a moot point in Bangladesh.
  • bad faith ( বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা )
  • From hand to mouth ( দিন আনে দিন খায় ) The poor man lives form hand to mouth.