"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Faithful to ( বিশ্বস্ত ) The dog is faithful to his master.
  • Disgusted at ( বিরক্ত ) I am disgusted with him at his conduct.
  • Consistent with ( সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ ) Your action is not consistent with the rules.
  • Weak of ( দূর্বল ) He is weak of understanding.
  • Eligible for ( যোগ্য ) He is eligible for the post.
  • Make for ( অগ্রসর হওয়া ) The ship made for England.


  • At once back and call ( বাধ্য ) He is always at my back and call.
  • breathe out ( নিঃশ্বাস ত্যাগ করা ) At last, he breathed his last breath out, and that was the end.
  • reap the harvest of sin ( কর্ম ভোগ করা )
  • loose cannon ( অপ্রত্যাশিত ) He is a bit of a loose cannon.
  • By and by ( শীঘ্র ) He will come here by and by.
  • Take to one's heels ( ছুটিয়া পালানো ) The thieves took to their heels to see the police.