"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Talk to ( কথা বলা (ব্যক্তি) ) I am talking to (with) Mr. Roy.
  • Count for ( গণ্য হওয়া ) His advice counts for nothing.
  • Encroach on ( অনধিকার প্রবেশ করা ) Do not encroach on my land.
  • Warn of ( সতর্ক করা ) He warned me of the danger.
  • Careful of ( যত্নবান ) He is careful of his money.
  • Suffer from ( কষ্ট পাওয়া ) He is suffering from fever.


  • Beggar description ( বর্ণনাতীত ) The beauty of the Taj beggars description.
  • At a low ebb ( নিম্নমুখী ) His fame is at a low ebb now.
  • Fight shy ( এড়িয়ে চলা ) Why do you fight shy of your teacher.
  • Above all ( প্রধানত ; সর্বোপরি ) We should be kind, polite, and above all honest.
  • to the bad ( মন্দাবস্থায় ; ঘাটতি অবস্থায় )
  • At the eleventh hour ( শেষ মুহূর্তে ) he doctor came to the patient at the eleventh hour.