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- Faith in ( বিশ্বাস ) I have no faith in him.
- Enter into ( প্রবেশ করা ) He entered into the room.
- Lament for ( বিলাপ করা ) She lamented for her child.
- Endowed with ( ভূষিত ) He is endowed with talents.
- Blind to ( দোষের প্রতি অন্ধ ) He is blind to his won faults.
- Escape from ( পলায়ন করা ) The prisoner escaped from the jail.
- word of no implication ( কথার কথা )
- In full swing ( পুরাদমে ) The school is now in full swing.
- slap on the wrist ( মৃদু শাস্তি ) Although he broke the rules, he was only given a slap on the wrist
- bell the cat ( সর্তকতার জন্য বিড়ালের গলায় ঘন্টা বাধা ; কোন কাজ যেটা অর্জন করা কঠিন বা অসম্ভব ) Everybody is trying but who actually bell the cat?
- At one’s wit’s end ( হতবুদ্ধি ) He was at his wit’s end and did not know what to do.
- Read between the lines ( তাৎপর্য বোঝা ) Try to read between the lines of the letter.