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- Blush with (for) ( লজ্জায় রাঙা হওয়া ) She blushed with shame.
- Bent on ( ঝোঁক ) He is bent on playing cricket.
- Look at ( তাকানো ) Look at the moon.
- Insist on ( জিদ করা ) He insisted on my going home.
- Pity for ( করুণা ) Have pity for the poor.
- Tide over ( অতিক্রম করা ) He will soon tide over the difficulty.
- Build castles in the air ( আকাশ কুসুম চিন্তা করা ) Don't idle away your time in building castles in the air.
- Out of doors ( বাহিরে ) It is rather cold out of doors.
- At least ( অন্ততঃ ) At least one hundred boys will come to school today.
- In time ( ঠিক সময়ে ) He reached the station in time.
- A bed of roses ( সুখ-স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যপূর্ণ জীবন ) Many people think that life is a bed of roses
- As usual ( যথারীতি ) He is late as usual.