"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Feel for ( সহানুভূতি অনুভব করা ) I feel for you in your trouble.
  • Long for ( কামনা করা ) He longed for fame.
  • Engaged in ( নিযুক্ত (কাজে) ) I was engaged with him in talk.
  • Disgrace to ( কলঙ্ক ) He is disgrace to his family.
  • Dispose of ( বিক্রয় করা ) He disposed of his books.
  • Equal with ( সমতুল্য (ব্যক্তি) ) Mr.Karim is equal in rank with Mr.Rahim.


  • big cheese ( দলের বা পরিবারের সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ব্যক্তি ) He is the big cheese who control everything in our group.
  • Call to mind ( স্মরণ করা ) I cannot call to mind your name.
  • Lame excuse ( বাজে গুজব ) This lame excuse will to do.
  • Cut to the quick ( মর্মাহত হওয়া ) I was cut to the quick by his words.
  • On the wane ( হ্রাসমান ) His fame is on the wane now.
  • Stick to ( দৃঢ়ভাবে লেগে থাকা ) He sticks to his decision.