"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

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Appropriate Preposition:

  • Fond of ( অনুরাগী ) Children are fond of sweets.
  • Marry to ( বিবাহ দেওয়া ) He married his daughter to a rich man.
  • Access to ( প্রবেশ অধিকার ) Public has no access to this area.
  • Deprived of ( বঞ্চিত ) He was deprived of his property.
  • Accompanied with ( একসঙ্গে ঘটা ) He has fever accompanied with headache.
  • Rob of ( অপহরণ করা ) Somebody robbed him of his purse.


  • At stake ( বিপন্ন ) His life is at stake now.
  • By hook or by crook ( যে কোন উপায়ে ) You must do this work by hook or by crook.
  • Cut to the quick ( মর্মাহত হওয়া ) I was cut to the quick by his words.
  • Take to one's heels ( ছুটিয়া পালানো ) The thieves took to their heels to see the police.
  • but me no buts ( কিন্তু কিন্তু করো না )
  • At all events ( যাই ঘটুক সব ক্ষেত্রেই ) I shall stand by him at all events.

Bangla to English Expressions (Translations):

  • তুমি কি এখনো তার প্রতি আগ্রহী? - Do you still interested to her?
  • আপনার ফ্লাইট বাতিল হয়েছে - Your flight has been cancelled
  • পাই-চার্টটি বিভিন্ন অংশে বিভক্ত - The pie chart is divided into several parts
  • আপনি কি মঙ্গলবার থাকবেন? - Would you be available on Tuesday?
  • তুমি কি প্রতিদিন ক্রিকেট খেলো? - Do you play cricket every afternoon?
  • আপনি কি আর কিছু চেয়েছিলেন? - Did you want anything else?