"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

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Appropriate Preposition:

  • Hard of ( কম শোনা ) He is hard of hearing.
  • Need for ( প্রয়োজনীয় ) I have no need for more money.
  • Persist in ( লেগে থাকা ) He persisted in disturbing me.
  • Adjacent to ( সংলগ্ন ) Her college is adjacent to her house.
  • Stare at ( একদৃষ্টিতে তাকানো ) She stared at me.
  • Attend upon ( সেবা করা ) She attends upon her mother.


  • At least ( অন্ততঃ ) At least one hundred boys will come to school today.
  • Crying need ( জরুরী প্রয়োজন ) Mass education is the crying need of Bangladesh.
  • In full swing ( পুরাদমে ) The school is now in full swing.
  • Red letter day ( স্মরণীয় দিন ) The 21 February is a red letter day in the history of Bangladesh.
  • Turn a deaf ear to ( মনোযোগ না দেওয়া ) He turned a deaf ear to my proposal.
  • In force ( বলবৎ ) This law is in force now.

Bangla to English Expressions (Translations):

  • সে বেশ চমৎকার লোক - He is quite a nice man or He is fine fellow
  • সে ছেলেটির নাম রেখেছে হরি - He has given the boy the name of Hari
  • আগামি সপ্তাহে কক্সবাজার যাব বলে মনে করেছি - I have a mind to go to Cox’s bazar next week. / I intend to go to Cox’s bazar next week.
  • এটা করতে হবে - It has to be done
  • বকবক কর না, তোমার বকবকানি বন্ধ কর। - Don’t gap, stop your gap.
  • তোমার জন্য ভালো হবে! - Good for you!