"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Miscellaneous Examples of Incorrect Omissions (Part 2)

Allow + to (infinitive)

Incorrect: The boss allowed him come.

Correct: The boss allowed him to come.

Note: Allow verb-টির পরে to-infinitive বসে। তবে let-এর পরে to-infinitive বসে না।


‘It’ as an empty subject

Incorrect: Now is very hot in Bangladesh.

Correct: It is very hot in Bangladesh now.

Note: Impersonal verb যেমন- rain, be-এর কোনো real subject নেই। এগুলোর subject হিসেবে it-কে ব্যবহার করা হয়।


Transitive verb + object

Incorrect: Joe asked Jim for some paper, but he had not.

Correct: Joe asked Jim for some paper, but he had none.

Note: প্রত্যেকটা transitive verb-এর একটা object থাকে। এখানে had হলো transitive verb আর এর object হলো none.


Ditransitive verb + two objects

Incorrect: Raisa asked Rima for some paper, and she gave her.

Correct: Raisa asked Rima for some paper, and she gave her some.

Note: Give, bring, send, tell, buy, show প্রভৃতি transitive verb-এর দুটি object থাকে- direct এবং indirect. এখানে some হলো gave verb-টির direct object.


Enjoy + object

Incorrect: Jack enjoys on holiday.

Correct: Jack enjoys himself on holiday.

Note: ব্রিটিশ ইংরেজীতে enjoy verb-টি একটি transitive verb যার পরে preposition নয়, বরং object বসে। আর এই object-টি অধিকাংশ সময়েই reflexive pronoun হয়; তবে gerund-ও হতে পারে। যেমন: I enjoy listening to the music.


Adjective + noun

Incorrect: An eligible will be selected for the mentioned position.

Correct: An eligible person will be selected for the mentioned position.

Note: একটা adjective কখনো verb-এর subject বা object হতে পারে না। তাই adjective-এর পর একটা noun বসিয়ে তাকে noun phrase বানিয়ে subject বা object করতে হয়। তবে adjective-এর পূর্বে the বসে তা যদি plural common noun নির্দেশ করে তাহলে তার পরে noun বসানোর প্রয়োজন হয় না। যেমন: The rich are not always happy.


Hundred, thousand + and

Incorrect: I gave the cashier three thousand sixty taka.

Correct: I gave the cashier three thousand and sixty taka.

Note: ব্রিটিশ ইংরেজীতে hundred, thousand- এর পরে যে অতিরিক্ত সংখ্যা আসে তাকে and দ্বারা যোগ করতে হয়। তবে আমেরিকান ইংরেজীতে and ব্যবহার না করলেও চলে। যেমন: Three thousand sixty, four thousand eighty and the like.


A quarter

Incorrect: It’s quarter to six.

Correct: It’s a quarter to six. (=5:45)

Incorrect: It’s quarter past six.

Correct: It’s a quarter past six. (=6:15)

Note: সময় নির্দেশ করতে quarter-এর পূর্বে a বসে।


Years old or years of age

Incorrect: Alana is twenty years.

Correct: Alana is twenty years old. / Alana is twenty years of age. / Alana is twenty.

Note: ব্যক্তির বয়স বোঝাতে ওপরের তিনটি সঠিক বাক্যের যে কোনোটি ব্যবহার করা যায়। কিন্তু অন্য বস্তুদের বেলায় শুধু প্রথম expression-টিই ব্যবহার করা যায়।

Incorrect: The building is twenty years of age.

Correct: The building is twenty years old.


For this reason

Incorrect: For this, we forbade you from going there.

Correct: For this reason, we forbade you from going there.

Note: For this বা for that কোনো correct phrase নয়। For this reason বা for that reason হলো correct expression. এছাড়াও owing to this/ that, because of this/that-ও correct expression.


Had better

Incorrect: You better read this book.

Correct: You had better read this book.

Note: Correct phrase হলো had better যার পরে bare infinitive বসে। American English-এ would better বসে।


To these words

Incorrect: To these, Jane replied nothing.

Correct: To these words, Jane replied nothing.

Note: To these নয়, to these words হলো correct expression.


Throw it away

Incorrect: The fruit is rotten; throw it.

Correct: The fruit is rotten; throw it away.

Note: To throw a thing মানে হলো কোনো ব্যক্তির দিকে কোনোকিছু ছুঁড়ে মারা। আর to throw a thing away মানে হলো কোনো নষ্ট জিনিস ফেলে দেয়া। যেমন: Throw away these torn papers.


The day before yesterday

Incorrect: Alice came here before yesterday.

Correct: Alice came here the day before yesterday.

Incorrect: Joe will visit the place after tomorrow.

Correct: Joe will visit the place the day after tomorrow.

Incorrect: I will meet you after next week.

Correct: I will meet you the week after next.

Note: Before yesterday, after tomorrow, after next week প্রভৃতি phrase সঠিক নয়।


So do I

Incorrect: Paul loves music. I also.

Correct: Paul loves music; so do I.

Incorrect: Anny wrote the application. I wrote also.

Correct: Anny wrote the application; so did I.


Neither do I

Incorrect: Mom did not like the movie. Neither I.

Correct: Mom did not like the movie; neither did I.

Note: এ ধরনের expression-এ verb essential এবং তা subject-এর আগে বসে।


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