"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

10 Idioms Starting with "At a"

At a loss

হতবুদ্ধি (puzzled)

Examples in Sentences:

  • The man was at a loss in that serious situation. (লোকটি সেই সাংঘাতিক পরিস্থিতিতে হতবুদ্ধি হয়ে গিয়েছিলো।)
  • I was at a loss because I lost my way and my phone was also out of charge.


At a low ebb

হ্রাস পাওয়া বা হতাশাজনক অবস্থা (decreasing or depressed)

Examples in Sentences:

  • Please don’t rebuke him now because he is already at a low ebb. (দয়া করে তাকে এখন তিরস্কার করো না কারণ সে আগে থেকেই হতাশাগ্রস্থ।)
  • The popularity of this product is at a low ebb.


At a pinch

প্রয়োজনের তাগিদে কোনরকমে (can be done if absolutely necessary, but not perfectly)

Examples in Sentences:

  • Six people can sit comfortably in this room but seven can at a pinch. (এই কক্ষে ছয়জন আরামদায়কভাবে বসতে পারে তবে প্রয়োজনের তাগিদে সাতজন কোনরকমে বসতে পারবে।)
  • Two people can eat well from this box but three can at a pinch.


At a rate of knots

খুব দ্রুত (very fast)

Examples in Sentences:

  • Aric was running at a rate of knots or he would miss the class. (এরিক খুব দ্রুত দৌড়াচ্ছিলো না হলে সে ক্লাসটা করতে পারতো না।)
  • Jim is working at a rate of knots because he has to go home early.


At a round rate

নির্ধারিত মূল্যে (at fixed price)

Examples in Sentences:

  • This shop sells products at a round rate. (এই দোকান নির্ধারিত মূল্যে পণ্য বিক্রয় করে।)
  • You have to buy products at a round rate from this shop.


At a snail’s pace

খুব ধীর গতিতে (very slowly)

Examples in Sentences:

  • You are working at a snail’s pace. (তুমি খুব ধীর গতিতে কাজ করছো।)
  • Lira was walking at a snail’s pace.


At a standstill

নিশ্চল (still)

Examples in Sentences:

  • All the vehicles were at a standstill because of the traffic jam. (যানজটের কারণে সব যানবাহনগুলো নিশ্চল অবস্থায় ছিলো।)
  • Aric was at a standstill after seeing Alice coming towards him.


At a stone’s throw

খুব কাছে (very near)

Examples in Sentences:

  • The mosque is at a stone’s throw from our house. (মসজিদটি আমাদের বাসা থেকে খুব কাছে।)
  • Your home is at a stone’s throw from the office.


At a stretch

একটানা (without break)

Examples in Sentences:

  • John is working for five hours at a stretch. (জন টানা পাঁচ ঘন্টা ধরে কাজ করছে।)
  • Richard is walking for three hours at a stretch.


At a time

একসাথে (at a certain time)

Examples in Sentences:

  • Lina can do many things at a time. (লিনা একসাথে অনেক কিছু করতে পারে।)
  • Alif cannot concentrate on different things at a time.
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