"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Before vs Ago

Before /adverb/ (আগে):

বর্তমানে/অতীতে সম্পন্ন হওয়া যেকোন কাজের নিকট অতীতের সময় নির্দেশ করতে before বসে।

Before refers to ‘at any time past now/then’ counting back from a past moment.


  • Napoleon died in 1821; he had lost the battle of Waterloo six years before his death. (Ago নয়).
  • We arrived shortly before six o'clock.
  • Rakib left just before sunrise.
  • I've never seen her happier before now.
  • Sayma arrived the day before yesterday.


Ago /adverb/ (আগে):

বর্তমানে বলার সময় থেকে অতীতে কোনো একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময় পর্যন্ত বোঝাতে ago বসে।

Ago is used to refer a time expression to count back from the present.


  • Rafi saw him two days ago. (Before নয়, কারন ago দিয়ে ‘আজ থেকে দুইদিন আগে’ বোঝানো হয়েছে)
  • I told them about a week ago, and I went over it again with them today.
  • This came in by courier a few minutes ago, sir.
  • Three weeks ago she would have been embarrassed by such a conversation.
  • What felt comfortable only a few moments ago now seemed bold and foolish?
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