"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Accept & Agree

Accept /verb/ (গ্রহন করা/সমর্থন করা):

Accept হলো transitive verb. এর পরে সরাসরি object বসে, preposition বসে  না। Accept এর পর infinitive বসে না।

Accept is transitive verb. Accept means to receive or take something.


  • I accepted his invitation. (Agreed নয়)
  • I accepted mending the easy. (Agreed নয়)
  • They refused to accept his resignation.
  • They offered him the job, and he accepted it.


Agree /verb/ (রাজি হওয়া):

Agree হলো Intransitive verb; এর পরে preposition বসে। Agree এর পরে ব্যক্তি থাকলে তার আগে with বসে ,আর বস্তু থাকলে to বসে। Agree এর পরে infinitive বসতে পারে।

The definition of ‘agree’ means to have the same opinion or views.


  • The teacher agreed to go with us. (Accepted নয়)
  • I agreed with him. (Accepted নয়)
  • The means of ending the dispute were finally agreed.
  • I was simply stating that I agreed with the man.
  • I'm sure we can all agree to that.


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